Building Setback from Front Property Line
For a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling and a Single Detached Dwelling, the minimum building setback from a front property line is the greater of:
(a) the contextual front setback less 1.5 metres; or
(b) 3.0 metres.
The contextual front setback (6.0 m + 8.0 m / 2) – 1.5 = 5.5m
A front property line is the greater of:
5.5 m > 3m
The contextual front setback (1.5 m + 3.0 m / 2) – 1.5 = 0.75m
A front property line is the greater of:
0.75 m < 3m
The contextual front setback 7.3 m – 1.5 = 5.8m
A front property line is the greater of:
5.8 m > 3m
Building Setback from Side Property Line
For a laned parcel, the minimum building setback from any side property line is 1.2 metres.
For a laneless parcel, the minimum building setback from any side property line is:
(a)1.2 metres; or
(b)3.0 metres on one side of the parcel when no provision is made for a private garage on the front or side of a building.
Building Setback from Rear Property Line
The minimum building setback from a rear property line is 7.5 metres.